Poet-Scholars of the Necropolis saw print for the first time in the Myriad Lands anthology. And Genie from the Gym also got the audio treatment over at Far Fetched Fables, with Chris Lade narrating.
I also had four new short stories published. Of these, I'm most proud of Dragon Soap, out from
Fireside Magazine. Here's an excerpt:
Gran never did like it when I used the Winchester to deal with dragons -- so I went and did a damn fool thing and set out to hunt them in the dead of night. It wasn't hard to sneak by Gran. She snored twice as loud as she barked, which was saying something.
I clambered down the hill from out farm and into the swamp. A half-moon glowed above the trees, casting strange shadows over the curtains of moss and standing pools of water. It almost made the mud look like opals, but that didn't change the smell.
I had two stories out from Daily Science Fiction this year, Words of Creation and At the Museum of Holographic Art. Strange Horizons also released Dragon-Smoked Barbeque.
I had fun writing all of these. Some -- including the Rob stories -- started years ago. Others were sparked during soap-making experiments, barbeque excursions, time spent playing with my young children, Codex writing contests, Wikipedia rabbit holes, and other such noble pursuits. I hope you enjoy.