February 18, 2020

Audible + LTUE Presentation Slides

The audio book for The Redwood Palace is now available!

Also, for anyone who was at my "Plotting a Romance is Like Writing a Math Proof" class at LTUE, I've now e-mailed my slides out to everyone who asked for them. But there have been two e-mails that bounced back. If you'd like slides and haven't got them yet, please feel free to e-mail me at info.mkhutchins@gmail.com.

February 10, 2020

LTUE 2020 Schedule

LTUE is nearly here! Here's where to find me:

10am: Lost Technology: Why Can't We Do That Anymore?

2pm: Chronically The Passing of Day: The History of the Calendar System

3pm: A Girl and Her Dragon Anthology Release Party!

5pm: Reading with Jessica Day George and M.K. Hutchins

12pm: Cooperative Games Ten Years After Pandemic

1pm: Plotting a Romance is Like Writing a Math Proof

6:30-8:00pm: Mass Book Signing

10am: Remembering the Deceased: How Societies Mourn and Bury Their Dead